When will we get “there”?
It is not uncommon to find myself feeling frustrated with my “progress.” My attention is focused on where I am not – how I’m not doing the things I’d like to do, not exercising the way I want, not putting my attention where I say I want it to be. I’m reminded in this moment how useful it can be to just pause and metaphorically turn myself around and see how far I’ve come, much like pausing to admire the view behind me when I’m on a challenging and long uphill hike.
When I do this I can see more clearly my “progress,” the changes and shifts that have happened and take a moment to celebrate my success. In my coaching practice I work with clients to create a Wellness Vision – the big picture of what “Well-Being” looks and feels like. When I’m having this experience of frustration with my “progress,” I gaze at my own wellness vision (I have it posted in sight of my desk) and focus my attention on the successes AND notice where I might want to place my attention and intention right now.
One of the things I have wanted to invite into my life is some combination of music and movement. My husband and I started taking partner dance classes last fall and it has been both super hard to be a beginner at something and really fun. We recently started learning a new step that reminds me of this attention to “progress.” It’s a traveling step that has us moving first forward, then to the side, then forward again, then to the side, then perhaps back, and then to the side – in other words, our progress is not linear .. it requires a pause.
My attention and intention to share in this space has been on a long pause. I’m feeling ready to start walking this trail. I hope to see you here again soon.
May this window into my own process of reflection nourish your own.
Take care and be well,